Looking back, I am happy that I was able to try out a few different activities and programs throughout the year, and moreover, that I managed to keep a continuous and ongoing CAS program without any major lapses in time.
For the Action aspect of my CAS, I had a weekly tennis lessons with my coach Mr. Chandaka, and from starting out as a beginner in tennis, I am happy to see that I have now learnt the basics of how to do a forehand, backhand and volley shot. I am also able to serve, though this is the aspect I'm least comfortable in and plan to improve it next year.
In terms of Service, I have been able to take part and then lead the Alzheimer's activity. While most of this year comprised of collecting funds, my co-leader and I have high hopes for the next year, where we can actually visit the newly built center to interact with the patients.
The Creativity aspect of CAS was the one I feel that I took least part in this year. In the beginning of the year, through to the end of the first term, I took part in the Primary Set Design activity where I helped paint the backdrop for the Seussical. However, after this, even though I was determined to do something else art related, I was not able to find a Creative activity that I would like to have taken part in, as a suitable opportunity did not present.
The Creativity aspect is what I want to pay particular attention to next year, while also continuing with both tennis and Alzheimer's.