Saturday, November 19, 2011

Supervising a Grade 6 class

Yesterday I was requested by Ms. Trina, a teacher at our school to supervise her Grade 6 class for 10 minutes near the end of the day. This was quite an experience, as the Grade 6 class proved to be a group of...enthusiastic, energetic and excited kids, especially so near hometime :P

I haven't gotten to spend too much time with kids of that age recently, and I don't really remember what I myself was like at that age, so I'm not completely sure whether this is true, but one of them assured me "don't worry, we are like this all the time", probably out of pity as I was running around looking foolish trying frantically to make them stay quite.

I would like to think that I made a good authority figure, with a certain amount of assertiveness, especially when I made sure that they cleaned up the classroom and put the chairs and tables back as they were supposed to. I would also like to think that they did not grumble too much about me, as I stood firmly by the door to ensure that they did not run away before they completed this task :P

All in all, I have learnt through this experience to really appreciate my teachers from now on, and perhaps also to exclude teaching as a choice for my own career in the future :P

Selling food for Yearbook

Yesterday at the Secondary Drama Production, we raised funds for the yearbook group by selling refreshments during the intermission.

I volunteered to bring drinks, but took part in selling other things as well.

Since the start of the new year, this was the first opportunity to brush up on my business skills. We worked as a team behind the counter, and were helping each other over all the chaos to ensure a quick customer service. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Link to Alzheimer's Blog!

As promised, here is the link to the newly created Alzheimer's Blog:

The blog is still in the early stages but members of our group will soon be accessing it and adding their thoughts, experiences and ideas on it, so please bear with us :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Key Club Update: A blog for Alzheimer's.

Today we had a Key Club meeting where we discussed the need to create individual Service Group Blogs that will run regular updates on what is happening.
My co-leader Heesoo and I plan to get this blog up and running soon (in around 2 weeks) and I will post a link to it on here.
The blog will have information on funds we've raised, various activities we have taken part in, upcoming events and general information about the Alzheimer's disease.

During the second part of our meeting we took part in a small group activity where we discussed the interrelationship between 'Service' and 'Learning' and I realized it is essentially both of them together make up our unique Community Service Program at OSC. I really feel fortunate to be part of such a complete and whole-rounded program!